Soft Red Winter Wheat
Wheat is named for the season (winter or spring) in which it is planted, its texture (hard or soft) and the color (red, white and amber).
Regarding season, winter wheat is planted on cold seasons (fall and winter) and harvested in June or July.
Examples of winter wheat include – hard red winter, soft red winter or white winter wheat.
Soft red winter wheat is grown primarily in the areas east and south of where hard red winter wheat is grown.
The principle soft red winter wheat producing states include Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Kentucky, North Carolina and South Carolina.
Small acreage is also grown in The Pacific Northwest.
This type of wheat accounts for approximately 15% of the total wheat acreage of the United States. The flour is used for cakes, cookies, crackers and pastries.
It has a lower protein content that hard red winter wheat. The softer the wheat, the lower the protein content.
Soft Red Winter Wheat
The History and Global Influence of Chinese Noodles
The history of Chinese noodles dates back to the Han Dynasty (206 BCE - 220
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