Wheat is an important agricultural commodity and a popular food ingredient worldwide. Wheat grains are ovoid in shape, rounded at both ends. The germ is at one end and a tuft of fine hair at the other.
Wheat grains contain three parts: the germ, the kernel or endosperm or floury endosperm and envelopes and integuments forming the bran.
The bran is the protective covering of the grain.
The chemical composition of the wheat kernel varies widely, being influenced by precipitation, environment, soil, and variety and to a degree, the milling process, classes of wheat from which the flour or bran is milled and use of fertilizers.
Wheat varies in chemical composition. Percentages of protein, minerals, vitamins, pigments, and enzymes show up to a 5 fold among cargoes of wheat.
The germ is rich in oil and proteins. The endosperm consists mainly of starch 80% and proteins 12%.
The major carbohydrate component in wheat is the starch which provides an excellent source of energy. The unique physicochemical properties of starch impart particular properties to various types of foods. The starch content of the wheat between 64% to 70%, with their fiber content between 0.6% and 2.0%.
The sugars and glucofructans found in the endosperm of wheat are present as a minor component with values of 1-2% by weight.
The protein content of wheat varies widely. Hard spring wheat may have 15 to 16% protein, hard winter wheat 13 to 14% and soft wheat 10-14%. Wheat and wheat products are relatively low in protein and it quality is also low.
Amino acid composition of protein mainly stipulates its structure and physic-chemical proteins and consequently, it influence technological properties of wheat.
Wheat composition
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