The word cereal is derived from ceres, the Roman Goddess of grain. The common cereal crops are rice, wheat, corn, oats and rye. The term cereal is not limited to these but also flours, meals, breads and alimentary pastes or pasta. Cereal science is a study concerned with all technical aspects of cereal. It is the study the nature of the cereals and the changes that occurs naturally and as a result of handling and processing.

Saturday, December 31, 2011

The bushel

Grains vary greatly in bulkiness. The differences largely depend on whether the grains emerge from the thresher encased in the hull or free from it.

The bulk volume of grain must be known when designing any storage system. This is expressed in several ways, although the metric system is gradually becoming the most common.

Bulkiness of grain is referred to as its test weight. In the United States it is measured in pounds per measured bushels.

By volume this is 64 dry pints or 2150.42 cubic inches.

A bushel of grain is defined as a specified weight of crop at 13% W.B moisture, except for a shelled corn bushel, which is defined at 15.5% W.B. The wet basis moisture percentage relates the mass of water per unit to the mass of the units.

In United States, the legal weight per bushel is 60 pounds for wheat, 56 pounds for corn and rye and 48 and 32 pounds for barley and oats, respectively.
The bushel

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