Barley is a member of the Gramineae. It is cultivated primarily for its grain which is used for human and animal food.
Malted barley has been extensively used for brewing purposes. The first stage in the malting process is to sprout the grain.
Malting is the process which cereal grain, predominantly barley is soaked and germinated under controlled conditions to activate the natural amylase of the grain. This in turn hydrolyses the starch producing mainly the disaccharide sugar maltose with some dextrins and other sugar.
After barley is malted, it is coarsely ground then extracted with hot water. This step is called mashing, where the ground malt is mixed with water and heated to about 70° C.
Syrups of barley malt extract are deliciously flavored and sweet as well as being enormously nutritious. Barley malt extracts are rich in soluble fiber in the form of gummy beta-glucans, which offers many health benefits.
They are sweet with malt sugar derived from the starch by the enzymes.
Barley malt is the most important grain product used by brewers worldwide, and many countries import virtually all of this ingredient need for their beer production.
Barley malt
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The history of Chinese noodles dates back to the Han Dynasty (206 BCE - 220
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