Durum wheat production is concentrated in North Dakota, with smaller amounts in Montana and South Dakota and still smaller amounts in Arizona and California.
It is riskier to grow than non-durum wheats and durum wheat traditionally has commanded a higher price.
Durum wheat cannot be used to produce flour for bread making; rather it is milled to supply semolina for making macaroni, spaghetti, noodles, etc.
Protein content and gluten composition are generally considered to be main factors affecting dough properties and cooking quality of durum wheat pasta.
Durum wheat is divided into three subclasses,:
*Hard amber durum wheat, which has 75% or more of hard, vitreous kernels of amber color
*Amber durum wheat, which has 60 - 75% of hard, vitreous kernels of amber color
*Durum wheat, which has less than 60% of hard, vitreous kernels of amber color
Durum Wheats