Approximately 13.45 million bushels of rye were produced in the U.S. in 2016. Rye bread has been produce around the world for centuries and has gained great popularity for its distinctive flavor and dense, chewy crumb. Germany alone produces more than 200 different varieties of rye breads.
In Northern and Eastern Europe, rye bread is a highlight of the meal, rather than an accompaniment.
The dough produced by rye flour is less elastic than wheat dough, and the breads therefore tend to be heavy and flat unless the rye flour is mixed with wheat to aid leavening and lighten the color.
Rye breads vary in crumb color from practically white to a very dark color in shape for round to elongated loaves, and in taste from a mildly sour flavor to a strong, distinctive acid taste.
The types of rye bread are many, including American rye, Jewish rye, German rye, Russian rye and Swedish rye, to name a few.
Rye fiber is a rich source of non-cellulose polysaccharides with a high fiber water-binding capacity. By binding water in the intestinal tract, rye breads give the sensation of fullness and help normalize bowel function.
Rye bread
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