The word cereal is derived from ceres, the Roman Goddess of grain. The common cereal crops are rice, wheat, corn, oats and rye. The term cereal is not limited to these but also flours, meals, breads and alimentary pastes or pasta. Cereal science is a study concerned with all technical aspects of cereal. It is the study the nature of the cereals and the changes that occurs naturally and as a result of handling and processing.

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Horizontal infestation

Some storage insects, like Angoumois grain moth and lesser grain borer infest grains right from the standing mature crop and their infestation migrates to storage through transportation, crop drying, threshing and grain drying during post-harvest operations. This infestation is termed as horizontal infestation.

For example, horizontal infestations occur when insects like S. cerealella and S. oryzae directly infest the grains of mature standing crop in paddy fields by laying eggs on the grains; the infestation migrates from fields to storage during post-harvest operations.
Horizontal infestation

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