Oats Processing: Test upon Receiving
Oats arrive at the mill by way of bulk railroad car or truck. The first step is sampling to ensure that the oats are of suitable quality for milling.
Several samples are taken with a grain probe in an attempt to obtain a representative sample of the oats in the transport vehicle. Among the characteristics typically examined are test weight (Ib/bu), sound count, kernel width, and evidence of infestation.
The test weight of the oats is very important because it is a measure of the amount of groat or berry present. Milling oats should weigh at least 36Ib/bu and preferably more.
Since then groat is the portion processed for human food, a high groat to hull ration is desired. This ratio can vary greatly. Separation of groats and hulls in four samples of oats showed groat percentages ranging from 67.4 to 74.2%.
The sound count is defined by government: as including “kernel and pieces of oats kernels (except wild oats) which are not badly ground damaged, badly weather damaged, diseased, frost damaged, heat damaged, insect bored, mold damaged, sprout damaged, or otherwise materially damaged.”
The width of the oats is important because thin oats have a lower groat content. The width is measured with screens with slotted openings. If the evidence if insect infestation is found, treatment utilizing approved fumigants must be initiated.
Acceptable oats are then passed over a receiving separator to remove field trash, such as corncobs or other coarse materials, and to remove some of very fine material, such as chaff dust.
Oats Processing: Test upon Receiving
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