The word cereal is derived from ceres, the Roman Goddess of grain. The common cereal crops are rice, wheat, corn, oats and rye. The term cereal is not limited to these but also flours, meals, breads and alimentary pastes or pasta. Cereal science is a study concerned with all technical aspects of cereal. It is the study the nature of the cereals and the changes that occurs naturally and as a result of handling and processing.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Wheat cleaning processing

Most grain are not cleaned either by farmers or by country elevators. Wheat delivered at an elevator is sampled and graded with considerable accuracy and the elevator operator usually makes a price adjustment on the basis of moisture content, test eight, foreign material and damaged or broken kernel.

The mill is the point where cereals are transformed from agricultural commodities to foods or food ingredients.

Wheat cleaning is related to the flour yield and ash content. A great deal of physical cleaning takes place in the mill.

It must be clean of all impurities because impurities increase the ash content of the flour, adversely affect four color, and reduce the flour yield.

The grain must be carefully cleaned and all foreign grains (cereals other than wheat and fodder plants), stones and metallic particles are removed. The cleaning operations separate the impurities and foreign sees by dimension, weight and form.

Wheat cleaning operation consists of cleaning operation in the first stage, involving the use of:
*rubble separator to remove gross contaminants
*disc separator to remove weed seeds and broken grains
*magnetic separator to remove pieces of metal and
*wash and whizzer device where wheat is rapidly sluiced round at high speed in a stream of water to remove dirt.

Milling and mixing of the cleaned wheat are carried out in the production section.
Wheat cleaning processing

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