This form of rice is widely available and only takes a few minutes to prepare by rehydrating and heating; it is widely used for its conveniences. Consumers only have to add the tasty cooking soup or water and cook for about 15 minutes. Cooking time of both brown and white rice is shortened by heating the dry grains in a current of air at elevated temperatures.
The kernels are so modified by fissuring of the surface layers, by dextrinization, and in the case of brown rice, by loosening of the bran layers, that the cooking time in the home is reduced to about one-third that of raw rice.
Compare with instant rice; quick cooking rice is improved in terms of taste and texture. After cooking, the product should match the characteristics favor, taste and texture of conventionally cooked rice.
The product should be packaged properly in plastic film bags of special design against moisture changes during storage.
Quick cooking rice