The word cereal is derived from ceres, the Roman Goddess of grain. The common cereal crops are rice, wheat, corn, oats and rye. The term cereal is not limited to these but also flours, meals, breads and alimentary pastes or pasta. Cereal science is a study concerned with all technical aspects of cereal. It is the study the nature of the cereals and the changes that occurs naturally and as a result of handling and processing.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Type of corn in United States

The United States is the world’s largest corn producer, accounting for about 40 percent of world production. The Corn Belt stretches across the heartland region, including the top produces Illinois and Iowa, as well as Indiana and portions of neighboring states.

Many type of corn are grown in the United States. Sweet corn is produced as a vegetable and eaten fresh, canned or frozen. Sweet has kernels that are easily recognized by their wrinkled exterior. The sweetness is the result of genetic defect in metabolism that prevents the sugars in kernel in from being completely transformed into starch.
sweet corn

Sweet corn is grown mainly in the northern United States. Popcorn is also used as a food. However the type of corn most utilized in the United States and considered as a grain rather than as vegetable is field corn.

There are number of varieties of corn usually classified as starchy or waxy, depending in the characteristics of a carbohydrate present.

The many varieties of corn can be classified into six major types based predominantly on the different characteristics of the kernels: dent, flint, flour, sweet, pod and popcorn.

American grow more dent corn than any other type and it is important for livestock feed.

Corn does best in areas with ample moisture, fertile soil, and warm nights.
Type of corn in United States

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