Over 100 species have been associated with stored grain. Based on their feeding habits, they can be grain. Based on their feeding habits, they can be classified as:
• Seed infesting species
• Fungus
• Feeding species
• Scavengers on dead plant materials
• Scavengers on animal matter
• Scavengers or semi or predators living under tree bark
• Wood borers and wood scavengers
• Scavengers in the nests of other insects
• Predators and parasites
Some scavenger species feed on bodies of insects and other dried material of animal origin. Many are important pests of stored products of animal origin such as wool, hides, skins and dried fish.
Many food products pests are general scavengers on dead plant materials. The majority of these are moths (phycitids, pyralids, etc.) but a few other groups (Anobiids, nitidulids, etc.) are involved. Attagenus species are scavengers of material mainly of animal origin. A number of species of Attagenus (2-5 mm long) are common and destructive domestic pests in temperate regions, feeding on wool, fur, skins, and other materials.
Scavengers can survive on fungi, dockage, broken kernels and flour that may remain in the bin from the last storage season.
Grain stored pests: scavenger
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